Would you make toothpaste for an Elephant? We did!! (Science Fun)

One of my favorite science experiments to do is Elephant Toothpaste. It is not super complicated and you do not need to be an expert chemist to complete it. Plus, any child’s reaction is always priceless to watch. Every time I do this experiment, my kiddos get super excited and a little nervous each time (but it’s an anticipation nervous).

Elephant Toothpaste Disclaimer: Explain that a higher concentration of Hydrogen peroxide can cause skin irritations, DO NOT TOUCH! If ingested, please consult a licensed medical professional.

You can find the instructions that I used from Science Bob here. It takes about five minutes to 8 minutes to complete the experiment. Make sure to cover your work area and for easiest clean up, place the container that you place your mixture, inside another container that is larger so all the “toothpaste” that erupts, flows into that second container!

Trust me, I have done this experiment several times and that makes clean up super simple. I just place this second container into the sink and clean it out.

Check out our experiment below!

Another version of Elephant Toothpaste can be found here. I think we will try this one soon!

Thank you for reading!



Maya Claros is a Domestic Engineer of 3, children’s books lover, super science geek, Hip Hop connoisseur, and small business owner. You can find her here or at www.thedopekid.com

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