The Undefeated- Book Review

The first time I saw this book, I had to buy it. But since I spend waaaay too much money on picture books, I was trying to discipline myself into going to the library more. After a few trips for story time and getting rather good at returning our books on time. I remembered to look for THE UNDEFEATED by Kwame Alexander and Kadir Nelson. However, when I requested this book, it was not available, there was an order for 10 more copies and those copies were already requested! I HAD TO HAVE IT ASAP NOW! 🤣🤣 Despite my hard work and discipline of being an exclusive library reader, I put in an order at Mahogany Books.

I put it on the top shelf of our book shelve (only special books go on the top shelf) and let it sit. I didn’t read it. I just admired it.

For me, reading a new picture book is an experience that I like to have with my kids that is relevant to what we are experiencing. For example, my daughter had a loose tooth, we read a billion books about the tooth fairy (or maybe the same one over and over again 🤣🤣)

May 29,2020 provided a relevant context to read this book. It was a few days after the tragic murder of Mr. George Floyd and I was not in the best of spirits.



This book was like a splash of cold water to the face that is needed to get back in the ring and fight.

It was beautiful. It was refreshing. It was rejuvenating.

I got up off the couch and said “I GUESS I GOT MY SWAGGA BACK”

This book really needs no explanation because it’s more than a picture book, it’s an affirmation anthology of our greatness and a reminder in our darkest times not to forgot who we are!

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