What We Are Reading Wednesday- March 10, 2021

I read a lot of books with my children but I have never real kept track of all of it. So, I wanted to create a series that documents all of the books we are enjoying in real time.

My daughter and I are currently reading TWINS by Varian Johnson and Illustrated by Shannon Wright.

She got this book about two weeks ago and she finished it in ONE DAY! However, for school she has to read for at least 20 minutes a day during the school day, so I am just ensuring she knows all of the words correctly.

Today we will start Chapter 10 and I am loving this book. It is about twin sisters, Maureen and Francine, who are both running for class president! If that is not complicated enough, it is also about them forging their OWN identities. My daughter likes Francine more and ironically I like Maureen 🤣🤣🤣! We are reading the same book but have a completely different experience. The power of books.

We are having a great time. Every chapter has ended with her begging to read another one because it is so good, we just dont want to stop. I can’t wait to see how it ends.

My son is learning how to read so we have been reading the Ty’s travels series for the last week or so. It has lots of sight words and repetition which is great for emerging readers. My son is the true bookworm of our family and does not like the “fake book” (paper books printed for class work) he has to read in school so this book series is right on time!

At bedtime we are reading, J.D and the Great Barber Battle by J. Dillard and Akeem S. Roberts

We start chapter 5 tonight. J.D gets his first haircut at the beginning of 3rd grade. It is a home haircut that his Mom does and it turns out being terrible. He is determined to fix his hair and not be made fun of! While we are reading, it is hilarious to hear my kids commentary about some of the wild things J.D goes through. My daughter is always screaming with excitement “oh! No, I don’t think he should do that!” Plus, they always want to know what happens next, so when I have to stop they always want to hear another chapter. Luckily, it is a great bedtime read because the chapters are fairly short.

Our boys got their first at home haircuts this year so it was an experience that we shared with this book. However, I think their haircuts turned out great!

At naptime, my little guy and I read the Mo Willems series Cerdita and Elephante. When my kids are little, I focus more on reading in Spanish to build their vocabulary and have more experiences hearing Spanish.

His favorite one so far is ESTAMOS EN UN LIBRO (We are in a book)

It is super cute to watch him read with me and make all of the facial expressions that go along with this book. Elephante goes through a range of emotions from being curious, excited, to mad, and sad. He makes all of the faces and even moves his eyebrows. Even though, I read it everyday, twice a day, I will never tire of the silly time we have. Plus, it is always excited to see him say more words.

I am currently reading 400 HUNDREDS SOULS: A Community History of African America 1616-2019 edited by Ibram X. Kendi and Keisha N. Blain

This book is a historical accounting of American history from the perspective of the African American experience. The book is a series of essays written in 5 year increments by a different author. It also has poems sprinkled throughout which I didn’t realize I needed but I love! My Mother was a history teacher, so I am history buff. This book has been perfect. Each essay gives enough history to learn something new and also has prompted me to do further research about the parts that really intrigued my interests. The science geek in me loves to research, so it has been a fun and relaxing experience.

What are you and your family reading this week?

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy! Sharing means caring! Share this with a friend, please!


Maya Claros is a Domestic Engineer of 3, children’s books lover, super science geek, Hip Hop connoisseur, and small business owner. You can find her here or at www.thedopekid.com

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