KICKS Book Review

It’s that time of year again, BACK TO SCHOOL time and most parents are excited to send their children back into the classroom. If I am honest, I always get very sad because I really miss hanging out with my kids.  89% of the time, I am always with my kids so for them to be gone 6.5 hours out of the day is a HUGE adjustment for me.

However, one thing that gets me excited about BACK TO SCHOOL is shopping for new shoes, or KICKS! I just love love love shoes. I love tennis shoes, high heels, sandals, boots. ALL OF THEM! So, the minute I saw the picture book KICKS, it was REQUIRED for me to get it!

KICKS written by Van G. Garett and illustrated by Reggie Brown

KICKS is a picture book published by Versify, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishing, in April 2022 that was written by Van G. Garrett and illustrated by Reggie Brown. Below is a magical view of the wonderful illustrations of this book by Harper Kids.


KICKS is an ode to the emotional experience that shoes provide to all sneaker lovers. It is a lyrical picture book that takes readers, young and old, on a journey through the feeling of getting new shoes to the feelings of wearing them. The pure jubilation of new KICKS!


My kid and I really enjoyed reading this book together. We really got excited about thinking about our favorite shoes, which shoe is the best looking, and what style of shoes are the best. The book elicits a sense of pride and joy about whatever KICKS you like. It does not persuade you into liking any particular shoe but loving the shoe that you choose. It truly is an ode to SHOES!

This lyrical picture book really helps children visualize shoes as a form of art and individual expression. It helps them understand the types of tennis shoes that represent their own unique personal style and this style does not have to be the same as everyone else’s.

I would recommend this book to any child OR adult that loves to include their shoe game into their personal style. My 2nd grader is into high tops now and he really enjoyed seeing the high tops on the page and feeling represented.

Take a quick peek inside here and make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Make sure to pick this book up at your local bookstore or indie shop. If they do not have, make sure to request it!

Thank you for reading.


Maya Claros is a Domestic Engineer of 3, children’s books lover, super science geek, Hip Hop connoisseur, and small business owner. You can find her here or creating reading resources at

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