FreeStyle Friday …and the grocery store

Hi! Happy Friday!! I hope that everybody had a great week! I know I did.  I started off this week at a local county fair.  We saw an AHHHH-MAZING science show at our local library by Eric Energy (… No! I have not been paid to type that, but I really did love it.  I think I enjoyed it more than Cataleya lol.  But, I would recommend it for ages probably 4 and up, but we went so she could get practice sitting still and paying attention.  She did quite well for the first 30 minutes or so, but after that, she wanted to play.  It was awesome.  (Sorry! I am a science geek, so watching all of the experiments was so fascinating and fun… and it helped that he played some Michael Jackson… If you know me, you know I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON.)… (Here is a little snippet… Eric Energy Fan Video )

We also ventured to a new playground with my husband on one day and on another we went swimming! We have been staying busy!  But not too busy to find something to RANT ABOUT for FREESTYLE FRIDAY!!  Also, this week, I had an OB/GYN appointment and saw that my little prince is head down… (ahhhh!!! Like he is really coming…haha) and of course all of these thoughts flash in my mind!!! (2 weeks and then we start the “Baby Watch 2015”).  One thought that popped in my head was how people react to seeing a newborn!! And I started to cringe all over again! When my little firecracker was ittle wittle a simple trip to the grocery story…was not all that simple!  And she wasn’t even the problem, it was the kindness of random strangers (that’s what we will call it…hahaha). Let me just list some of my Top 5 experiences with the kindness of strangers (haha!)

  1. The random motorized Grandmother that shouts from across two aisles, “My grandson wants to see you baby” as she zooms towards me.
  2. The random people that have touched her hair. I get it! She’s a red-head, it’s rare.  BUT SHE IS A BABY & VERY susceptible to GERMS! YUCK.  (My husband says I am too nice to strangers lol)
  3. The random school teacher/Mom that said…”just wait til she hits middle school, she will not be so sweet.” WOW! Thanks….
  4. The random lady that told me I must have dyed my hair while pregnant… that explains the genetics. J
  5. And to all the people that said, “You look tired” That’s an awesome complaint to a hormonal, sleep-deprived Mom. I don’t think this interaction in the bread aisle will make us friends.

So, after much anticipation, I know you have been patiently waiting…my FREESTYLE FRIDAY RANT

Why, yes! It’s a newborn

I just came in her to get corn

Not to be scorned

Let me mourn

My loss of sleep

In peace

And just pick up groceries to eat

Is that such a hard feat?

No, you can’t take a look

I just want to go home and cook

Or read a book

But you want to sit here and chat

About how my kid will be a brat

Or how I don’t look that fat

I think I might snap

and hit you in the head with a baseball bat

So I am just going to smile and walk away

And hope that you will go astray

From this interaction

So I can get back to my grocery story action

WOW! That freestyle was pretty long! I guess I had a lot of pent up emotions about that! That felt really good though! You should try it! Please comment and share a quick freestyle of something outrageous that has happened to you with a new baby (or toddler, or teen…hey! I would love to hear it all)! I hope you enjoyed that!! Happy Friday! And have a Great WEEKEND!!!


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