#FreeStyle Friday 2.0

Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s Friday! I hope you had a great week! My week started with a wonderful baby shower and we have a few family oriented events this weekend! My Friday was even more AWESOME because my husband surprisingly took off work today! Which is a true rarity! That is why my blog post is a little late… But it’s still Friday… and that means another installment of FreeStyle Friday!  My rant this week, I know a lot of parents can relate to! And it should be considered an expletive and not ever said… that is C-A-N-D-Y (or DULCE (dool-say) in Spanish, which my daughter will say if you don’t respond to her “candy” request).  I seriously hate CANDY! But more specifically, I hate when people give my child candy… (However, when they ask my permission first, I appreciate the respect that they giving me to make the decision for MY kid). And my daughter is fairly smart, if we are out at a gathering and there is candy there, she will avoid me at all cost and find whatever unsuspecting person to open the candy for her! She gets real clever!! Which reminds me of a situation at a party.

My daughter is 3 feet tall, so perfect height to get anything off a table. ANYTHING! So, if there is candy on the table, she can get that.  So, at this party she kept going to this table and getting these lollipops and begging people to open them.  After like the 5th lollipop (which she actually didn’t even like… it was just CANDY…so she was crazy about it) I had to put my foot down.  So, what does this lead to, yes! You guessed it, AN EPIC TANTRUM! Which I am an expert at ignoring, but I can’t ignore a tantrum at a party! Thus, I take lil Miss Firecracker out of the party and have the pleasure of running into 2 older woman.  As I am trying to calm down a screaming, kicking 2 year old, they are scolding me about the candy.  “Just give her the candy.  I will get her a piece.  Blah blah blah etc…” UM! No, I will not just give her the candy.  The fact that she received candy in the first place should be reward enough!! Don’t get me wrong, I give my daughter candy, but more as a reward, treat, or pleasure.  Not “just because.” It truly takes away my leverage sometimes when I need it the most! Also, I am really anal about giving her candy because a lifetime ago, I worked for a pediatric dentist and saw one too many cavity fillings done on babies and toddlers! (Not the best memories!) Okay, so I think my candy rant has been long enough..so without further ado… #FreeStyle Friday

Please don’t give lil Miss Firecracker candy

I know it will make her feel all fine and dandy

But have you seen her suck a lollipop

And watch all of that slobber drop

It is completely gross

And I don’t wanna get that close

I know she has a cute candy begging face

And has convinced you with a pretty good case

But nothing ever good comes from candy

So, let me decide when to keep it handy!

Ha! My rhymes are sooo vicious! Lol.  This candy rant was completely in fun! I know people will give my daughter candy and it’s because they love her and want to see her happy! So, for all the candy giving people out there, just let me know, so I can be extra diligent when we brush our teeth at bedtime!!!  I hope you have enjoyed my rhymes! How do you feel about kids and candy?  How do you deal with it?  What boundaries have you set? If you have set boundaries with people, how do you “enforce” them?  Or do you not stress it?  Am I being too “helicopter” Mommyish? Hey! Please let me know.  We are here for each other!!! Well, you are probably sleep now because its late…how many parent really stay up after midnight lol… Good Night!

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