A twist to my typical tip

Hi! How is everyone doing? I am doing well. Getting better adjusted with life with two tots! They are pretty amazing (until they have meltdowns at the same time lol). A part of getting settled with my new little guy is decorating his room. Hopefully we will be done soon but the process is fun. With all of the decorating going on, it got my creative juices flowing, so I just wanted to share a cheap way to decorate.
We recently went to a book fair and bought lots of books. All of these books came with book jackets (which we know will be torn to bits by a 2 year old) that I took off. But I didnt want to throw them away, so I racked my brain about it and then Wa-la!
The above book is a counting book and the below book is a shapes book. I ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š them both!!

This is a cute decor piece that is thrifty at the same time! But not only will it work for bedroom decor, it can also be used for decorating our “school”

I am going to add this book jacket for the book Friendshape to the wall in our “school”

So, do you like my decorating idea? Is there a particular book jacket that you really love? Have you thought of framing it? Any other decorating tips that you would like to share? Hope you enjoyed this! Take care.

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