Great Hip Hop Music for Kids (Playlist Included)

So, a couple of weeks ago, I posted this picture to my Instagram account and the caption read

This #shirt makes #motherhood look so #dope !! Thanks @berryandmono  Are you a #hiphop fan like me? ….but #MomLife does not always allow me to listen to it as much as I would like!! But that does not stop me from kicking a few rhymes from some of my favorite tunes with my kids! My kids play “to the window to the wall” where they run from the window to the wall #You see what I did there.. I #remixed the @yingyangtwins for kids I wish there was more #kidfriendly hip hop because I hiphop! But on the real, growing up listening to hiphop helped shape a shy,introverted kid turn into a fierce, strong woman! Hiphop is for communities that do not always have a voice, that embrace the good and the bad, and still rise above! Comment with your favorite hip hop or #R&B album  . . . . . .

This lack of representation got to me thinking, I can not be the only #HipHop Momma out there, so I decided to share some of our favorite kids hip hop tracks.  It also reinvigorated my idea of remixing hip hop for learning purposes when I first started my blog.  Click here and here for some of those posts (my video skills were not like they are now, so be kind lol).

Anyhow, I have created a playlist of some of our favorite kids songs that represent Hip Hop that we love!



My kids love everyone of these songs! I find myself singing along and having a great time as well.  If you know of anymore songs that should be added to this, please let me know! Also, be on the look out for more of my kid Hip Hop remixes.  I am trying to improve my DJing skills and video editing, but I haven’t given up!

Thank you for reading!



Hip hop music, kids music, playlist,

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  1. Hi,
    This is quite a unique post. Here in India we don’t have much hip hop artists, but i liked the T-shirt very much.

  2. This is such a cool article and definitely a great idea for anyone who also loves hip hop and wants their kids to join in that love. The tshirts are so cute too!

  3. music can make all the difference for setting the tone of your day. my kids love dancing around to their favorite tunes.