Hip Hop…REMIXED for Kids (Spanish Edition)

hip hop spanish counting learn through play music

Hello! I love to make mixes for my kids out of music that I enjoy to jamming to! However, the music that I love is not always G rated lol.  So, I make remixes for them! Here is a quick way to learn some Spanish numbers with Pitbull! The tune is catchy and anybody will get it stuck in their head…and wah-la… you and your little have learned some Spanish! Win-Win!


To take the spanish fun a step further, here is a free printable to go along with the song!


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Check out these other products to take your Spanish learning to the next level!

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[shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”berry-mono-inc.myshopify.com” product_handle=”spanish-alphabet-english-pronunciation-photo-paper-poster” show=”all”]

[shopify embed_type=”product” shop=”berry-mono-inc.myshopify.com” product_handle=”spanish-non-traditional-colors-poster” show=”all”]


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  1. I absolutely love all of these awesome items! My oldest son is fluent in Spanish but I have been working with my youngest to help him learn it too 🙂

  2. So many great ideas! Our son’s preschool has a Spanish teacher come in once a week to work with the kids. I love that he’s learning some words in another language. It’s such a great thing, especially at a young age!

  3. This is awesome! My husband and I both speak Spanish and want our daughter to grow up speaking it too. This is a great way for her to practice it.