37 weeks…

Happy Monday! I know this is not my normal day to post, but I really want to share a personal post with you all.  As you know, I am very pregnant with baby number 2 and this past Saturday we took “baby bump” pictures and they were so amazing I just had to share! For our little firecracker, I read up on the photos and the best time to take them so your bump is the roundest and blah blah blah, so we took those at 28 weeks.  But this time I wanted to be full term, so I could see how big I actually got! (If I expand any more in three weeks, I seriously think I would pop lol).  Anyhow, so my husband’s cousin is a photographer (http://www.ramiromarquez.com/) and took some amazing shots of all of us! Our little firecracker was not really into taking pictures because she was busy playing with her adorable 15 month old cousin, which was fine! She deserves a play date!! And those two had a blast! She did make some photos but of course getting a 2 year old to do what you want is quite a negotiation lol.  Well, here are some of the shots! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

DSC_2730DSC_2755DSC_2763And my personal favorite, our little firecracker kissing my bump.  She calls him “Mono” (Monkey in English).  She talks to him all of the time.  Recently, she has started to ask me to open my belly because she wants to play with him lol.  She also asked me to open her belly once, so I asked what its in her belly, she responded food! It was really cute.  DSC_3055

Well, tell me what you think of the shots! I hope you enjoyed them! I have been feeling as big as a house and swollen hands and feet do not help with my self-esteem, however these pictures really helped me love my current pregnancy body.  I think I look amazing and I haven’t felt “pretty” in a while.  So, how do you maintain a good self esteem while pregnant or keep your spouse feeling “sexy” while pregnant? Let me know! I am curious to learn some tricks just in case there is a baby bump number 3, 4,5, 6 lol.  Most likely not THAT many, but you never know!


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    1. Congrats!!! You are more than half way done lol. And thank you! I was very nervous about making this post because I havent felt really sexy the bigger I get, so your response is really helping me fall more in love with my pregnancy body. I really didnt discuss it much my first pregnancy, but its been quite therapeutic this time. Have you ever felt this way ?

        1. That is what I am experiencing as well. My 2 year old NEVER wants to stay still lol. She is very active, but it has been a blessing for this pregnancy because I have gained way less weight this time. 😊

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