Top 5- Healthy Snacks

Food toddler snacks baby foodie

To avoid the hangry life, I always ALWAYS carry some type of fruit with me whenever my littles and I go on an adventure! But sometimes that can get a little messy and impracticable, so I reach one of these yummy snacks instead!



  1.  Ella’s Kitchen 

Healthy kids food organic baby toddler

My littles just love their whole grain oat bars! They both enjoy the apple strawberry flavor.  My little guys enjoys the mango and carrot bars also.  They come in a five pack and I just throw a whole pack in my diaper bag and go! My daughter usually eats a whole one and my little guy is just starting to eat a whole one! But nevertheless, these bar keep hunger at bay!


2. Mamma Chia 


Healthy snack organic kids baby toddler


This is a personal favorite of my daughter! She loves Mamma Chia’s Squeeze snack! These snacks pack Omega-3s, fibers, and protein into a delicious, yet healthy food experience.  Currently, my daughter is into the Blackberry Bliss flavor, but they have numerous other flavors.  I have tried them myself and do not mind the taste but its a texture thing for me! But they are super healthy, so I suck it up lol.  I would definitely recommend trying these out.  Disclaimer: these snacks are very fibrous, so prepare for a trip to the bathroom…if you get the hint!


3.  Go-Go Squeez


Healthy kids food toddler baby

So, I make some really yummy homemade applesauce BUT I cannot keep up with the amount my duo devours! Hence, Go-Go Squeez! It has been a life saver when I cant get to making applesauce at home and the variety of flavors does not hurt! My kids favorites are Apple Berry and Apple Grape! I like the plain Apple Apple myself lol.  There is also a fruit and veggie blend that my little guy enjoys.

4. Clif Bar


Twizzler kids food snack roddler baby

This one is my personal favorite! It is like a Twizzler but WAAAAY better!  I actually like to snack on these myself! The Cherry flavor is my favorite.  I use these more of an extra special treat for good behavior! I try to avoid giving my littles super sticky food to ensure proper oral hygiene.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! These are goooooooood!


5. Ruby Rockets



Snack ice cream popsickle healthy kids food


I found these yummy popsickles over the summer and still stock up on them.  It is basically a fruit and vegetable smoothie on a stick.  My little guy is cutting his molars so these have actually been a life saver!! There are lots of flavors.






Cookies… you can never go wrong with cookies…. And Barbara’s Snackimals are delicious!   I mean really delicious.. super delicious… these are good!  This company also sells a cereal that I eat!


Healthy cookies snacks toddler kids



I buy most of these products at the organic grocery store.  However, I have noticed now that some big grocery stores are starting to have an aisle dedicated to organic foods.  I have also seen Ella’s Kitchen at Target! What healthy snacks do you feed your littles? Which one do you sneak and eat yourself? lol


Thank you for reading






Snacks organic vegan healthy kids food foddie baby toddler









Make sure to catch my next post about shopping small for the holidays! Here is a preview of one of the shops.

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    1. My daughter really likes the Mamma Chia’s snacks the best. Let me know how it goes when your littles try them out.