STEM for Girls: FAO Schwarz- The Ultimate Science Kit

We received the FAO Schwartz- The Ultimate Science Kit for Christmas this year. I am a huge science nerd so I was super excited when my daughter opened this gift and exclaimed “Santa was on point this year!” The inner geek in me wanted to jump and dance with happiness, however I played the cool, calm, and collect Mom.

Of course, it was one of the first items she wanted to open and engage with. She was really excited to complete the digging for gemstones activity. She has seen her brother receive all of these paleontology and archaeology themed toys, so it was refreshing for her to get one along those same themes.

The gemstones excavation gets messy so make sure to cover your work area. The first that I noticed this kit was missing was safety goggles. That should be added to future versions of this kit, despite that small over site, we remained safe by using some goggles from another kit.

The sense of accomplishment and adventure was fun to witness. She had a really great time and has more rocks for her rock collection. I just wish the kit included an explanation of each rock. That would have been helpful.


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