All About YOU! 

Hey you! Yes, I know the title of my blog is “JustMeOMaya” meaning its about me, Maya lol BUT I want to get to know YOU better!!

So, Let’s Get Aquainted! 

First, let me say IMG_8684

to EVERYONE who interacted with me on my Facebook PageInstagram Page, and via email! 

Well, lets begin….

The majority of my responses were words of encouragement from family and other Mommy/LifeStyle bloggers. 

A blog is not easy and a bit revealing, so thanks for the support! 

One Mommy blogger wrote she does a rewards chart for disciplinary issues It makes more sense if you click here lol

Another Mommy blogger told me about her LARGE family (married, with 7 kids, 2 dogs, and 1 cat). She gave some advice on dealing with TANTRUMS! She said “stay strong, she will just grow out of it” So, I am not losing hope! Tantrum Life…the struggle is real!

One Mommy enjoyed my unconventional learning methods and said her little one loved it and learned his colors Hip Hop Colors Learning Activity

A compilation of some of the questions: 

What do you do in your spare time?

 Hahaha! Spare time….😴💤😴 well… I guess this blog is my “spare time” activity! And I 💜 it (I hope you do, too!  🙈)

  • Their response: photography, baking, and scrapbooking! I will definately ask for some tutorials 😊

If you had a guilt free night off, what would you do?

I would go out dancing! And just dance, dance, dance, as if no one is watching! 

  • Their response: a hotel room, room service, and the SPA! Which sounds AWESOME

Last book you have read or currently reading?

 Science Geek Alert 🤓😂. I am currently reading “Lab 257” by Michael Christopher Carroll. Its about a secret lab in New York

  • Their response: Someday, somewhere maybe by Lauren Graham; I will have to check it out

If you could be anywhere in the world, where?
This was the hardest question… I want to see the ENTIRE world…but I will say my top 3 … Kenya, Spain, and Australia! (I will get there one day! I know it! 

  • Their response: Chile & India

Best part of Motherhood?

There are so many…but I especially love when I see my kids smile (a true smile…not for a selfie lol) and being able to be a kid all over again myself. I can be as wild and crazy as I want to be and my daughter will just laugh!

  • Their response: Snuggles, cuddles, kisses, and a smaller version of youself because being you is awesome so why not another one lol

    I will leave this list in the comments section so YOU can answer them and please submit more questions!!! 

    Also, submit other blogs you enjoy reading, so I can check them out!! 




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      What do you do in your spare time

      If you had a guilt free night off, what would you do?

      Last book you have read or currently reading?

      If you could be anywhere in the world, where?

      Best part of Motherhood?

    2. I paint, craft, exercise, or read on my nights off.
      I’m about halfway through an awesome parenting book called “The Gift of Failure; how to let go so your child can succeed” I highly recommend it so far.
      If I could be anywhere in the world it would be a beautiful beach resort with unlimited delicious food & drinks and babysitting! :p
      Best part of motherhood is getting to experience things in a fresh way again through your child’s eyes. It’s helping me to feel mature and yet more young and alive at the same time.

      1. Thanks for participating! 😃 I will check out that book. We are still dealing with tantrums and I think my expectations are too high. So, I need all the help I can get!!

        A nice beach would be great …especially the drinks part!

        That is great incite on Motherhood. I do feel more secure in who I am but sometimes I just cant believe I am actually adulting lol

    3. Duh in my spare time u read your blog lol! Also try to go to the gym or just sit in the couch and relax for five minutes.

      Guilt free night would include oyster on the half shell, ice cold beer, my husband and maybe even some dancing if I could talk him into it 😉

      Current book is Boris the tickle monster every night at bed time the kids latest obsession … After reading it five time I don’t really feel like picking up an adult book.

      If I could be anywhere in the world I guess it would be Ireland .. I will get there one day too

      The best part about motherhood are the things that happen after the hard stuff. Things are always going to be hard! Like birth for instance and then you are left with this incredible little human and we forget about all the “hard stuff” because what’s left makes it all seem not that hard.

      1. Thanks for participating! And I feel honored that my blog is your spare time activity! 😘😘

        My night out dancing with be my husband but I know not to stress him to bust a move! Lol. And oysters sound yummy!! Now I want seafood 😋.

        Boris the tickle monster sounds like an awesome book! I have been reading my book for maybe 4 months 🙈

        IRELAND! We are going TOGETHER! My brother went a few years back.

        Motherhood is hard, but looking at them does seem to make it easy at the same time. 😘😘😘

    4. Spare time?? Lol. The time that I usually get to myself is either late at night or early in the morning, so I go to the gym in the AM and catch up on my shows at night!

      If I had a guilt free night off, I would go to dinner alone where there’s good live music and drink lots of wine and eat a big meal (with both hands!) while it’s actually hot.

      The last book that I remember reading in Natchez Burning, but it’s been a while.

      If I could be anywhere, I would be in a waterfront villa in Bora Bora or exploring Italy and Greece.

      The best part of motherhood is feeling needed and watching kids become their own little people! I’m so fascinated by Peyton’s ever-developing unique identity!!

      1. I am proud that you get up early in the morning! I struggle in mornings 😔. I wish I could get up before them and do something but I am just soo tired!

        Being alone is a rarity as well as HOT FOOD! Really expensive,delicious hot food!

        Ohhhhhh! Italy and Greece are on my bucket list! I love historical sites. And BORA BORA is when Im big ballin lol!

        Do you notice Peyton having more of your personality or your husbands. Its weird to see the things I do that she does!!!

    5. I love to bake to satisfy my constant sweet tooth

      Brigham Yoga. My mind was a peace and my body felt amazing.

      Ek… I haven’t read a book in ages maybe since college. I’m a visual person so prefer anything that looks pretty 🙈

      Spain all the way!

      I love watching Cataleya grow and having the opportunity to watch every minute with her. Motherhood has pushed me out of my comfort bubble. As well as thinking more about the future, but also to slow down and cherish the present. I knew I’d love motherhood, but she’s my everything.

      1. Awwwe! Thanks for participating! Any baking recipes you would love to share??

        I enjoy yoga, but I have never tried Brigham Yoga. I will put that on my list.

        I am a very visual learner, but somedays after listening to a toddler have multiple tantrums, I crave silence and a book really helps me relax and get lost in a new place.

        Motherhood is amazingly awesome!!