Pine Cone Painting

hey! I just wanted to share a fun,yet cold (lol) activity that my lil firecracker and I recently completed….PINE CONE PAINTING! Sounds cool, right? Well, its a fairly simple activity, but just needs one minor detail for preparation…..yup! You guessed it…the pine cones! I bet you could go out and by some but I am too cheap for that lol, so one evening before dinner time, my daughter and I went for a little walk and left the boys in the house to do whatever boys do! Haha! Along our walk, we picked up pine cones. 😊  She loved it!



  1.  Pine cones (we collected pine needles too but they all broke in my coat pocket 😏…so if you can successfully get them home, let me know how it goes).
  2. Paper
  3. Paint
  4. Box (optional- I just have her paint in the box, which after a litte bit she didnt want to do… I was just trying to minimize the mess lol)




So, after watching an episode of Creative Galaxy (a kids show on Netflix) my daughter has been obsessed with Jackson Pollack style painting…so just ended up flicking the pine cone at the paper..! GREAT 😊😳🙃. But she had fun! And these are our results!!! Its all about learning through play!

What type of art activites do you do with your little one? What type of artist do you study? Styles of art?  I especially like this one because it merges an indoor activity with an outdoor activity and it also merges science and art!!!




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    1. Awwwwe! I miss those days!!! But you could do painting minus the pine cones. There are wonderful recipes on Pinterest about edible paint. I have tried a few.

  1. We just did something similar using marbles instead of pine cones. Same set up: paper in a box, then paint on the paper, then add marbles and roll them around to spread the paint. Lots of experimentation can be done for really different results. The kids loved it.